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The Staff and I would like to welcome you to St. Patrick’s Catholic Primary School. Our school is situated in the village of Ryhope in Sunderland. We are a small, friendly school with currently 140 pupils on roll. At St Patrick’s we strive to give every child the opportunity to develop their full potential and to be the best they can be. The Catholic faith and Gospel values underpin all that we seek to achieve at St Patrick’s, whilst at the same time, embracing and celebrating a variety of other faiths and cultures.


The school was originally built in the late 1800’s and retains much of its character. New sections have been added in recent years to improve its facilities, such as the kitchen and an Early Years outdoor area.


The school is situated next to St Patrick’s Church, where we frequently join the Parish community for Mass and other services. Strong links exist and continue to develop between the school, the parish and the local community.


The school was judged ‘good’ after our most recent OFSTED Inspection in June 2019. The inspector commented that:


  • Pupils are thriving and this is a very happy and truly inclusive school.
  • Strong and highly respectful relationships exist between staff and pupils and pupils and their peers.
  • Classrooms are vibrant learning environments.
  • Lessons are calm and purposeful and pupils demonstrate very positive attitudes to their learning.
  • Pupils respond well to the high expectations for good behaviour.


I hope that you find this information useful. If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to get in touch with us via the School Office. The information in this publication is accurate as of September 2022. Visits are most welcome; we look forward to showing you around our wonderful school.


Mrs J Ward
Executive Head Teacher

Our Mission Statement

“Christ is the Centre of St Patrick’s School, where we live, love and learn together.”


At St. Patrick’s Catholic Primary School we aim to create a community with Catholic values at the centre.  We believe all of our aims are equally important:


We aim to provide a positive, welcoming environment where all can achieve their potential;


We aim to provide a broad, balanced and relevant curriculum through learning experiences, both inside and outside of the classroom, which meets the needs of all;


We value all those who are involved in the life of the school and aim to work in partnership with them;


We are committed to creating a community that recognises and celebrates difference regardless of age, gender, race, culture, faith, physical ability or social background.

Our Aims

At St. Patrick’s we strive for the education of the whole person and take into account and provide for, by means of the Curriculum and Pastoral Care, the mental, physical, social, emotional, spiritual and moral development of the children.

St. Patrick’s Catholic Primary School

Smith Street


Tel: 0191 523 5050


Email the Administration Team:
Click here to send us an Email

Bishop Chadwick Catholic Education Trust

Evolve Business Centre
Cygnet Way,
Rainton Bridge South Business Park
Tyne & Wear

Bishop Chadwick Catholic Education Trust