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Our school uniform is important to us.  It is one way in which we identify ourselves as a school family and it promotes a strong, cohesive school identity which supports high standards and expectations in all areas of school life.



Aims and objectives


Our policy is based on the notion that a school uniform:

  • promotes a sense of pride in the school;
  • engenders a feeling of community and belonging;
  • is practical and smart;
  • identified the children with the school;
  • is not distracting in class (as fashion clothes might be);
  • makes children feel equal to their peers in terms of appearance;
  • is regarded as suitable, and good value for money, by most parents;
  • has been designed with health and safety in mind.




Our uniform consists of the following:


  • Grey trousers/ grey shorts in the summer if desired.
  • White polo shirt.
  • Green sweatshirt/cardigan (with embroidered logo if you so wish)
  • Black school shoes or plain black trainers.



  • Grey skirt/pinafore dress/ grey trousers/grey shorts in the summer if desired.
  • White polo shirt.
  • Green sweatshirt/cardigan (with embroidered logo if you so wish)
  • Summer- green/white checked dress.
  • Black school shoes or plain black trainers or black or white flat sandals in the summer if desired.



  • Trainers
  • A plain white cotton T-shirt.
  • Navy/Black shorts.
  • Black or blue tracksuit bottoms for outdoors.

Children will be given their designated days for P.E. and are expected to come in dressed in their P.E. kit on these days.


Sweatshirts, polo shirts, P.E. kits, coats and fleeces are available through our uniform partner Little Gems, High Street West Sunderland or online at


However, there is no expectation that children must wear uniform with the school logo on. This is down to parental choice and as a school we support families in dealing with the current cost of living crisis. If plain non-branded uniform items are more cost efficient then this is perfectly acceptable, although we do encourage families to purchase the correct uniform colours.



Jewellery & Fashion items


In addition to uniform we place great emphasis on children’s overall appearance. For this reason, jewellery, (rings, bracelets and necklaces), Make-up, (including nail varnish) are not allowed in school. From Year 1 onwards we do allow the wearing of small single ear studs in pierced ears but request parents sign an indemnification form beforehand. We ask the children to remove ear-rings during PE lessons/sporting activities (If the pierced ear-ring cannot be removed a suitable covering [plaster] must be provided from home).



The role of parents


We ask all parents who send their children to our school for their support of the school uniform policy.  We believe that parents have a duty to send their children to school correctly dressed and ready for their daily schoolwork.  Parents should ensure that their child has the correct uniform and that it is clean and in good repair.


If any parent would like the school to modify the uniform policy, they should make representation, in the first instance, to the head teacher.  The school welcomes children from all backgrounds and faith communities.  If there are serious reasons, for example religious objections, why parents want their child to wear clothes that differ from the school uniform the school will look sympathetically at such requests.  Similarly, should an item of school uniform prove problematic for a pupil with disabilities then parents are invited to draw this to the attention of the head teacher.  The school will not treat pupils with disabilities unfavourably.



The role of the Governors


The governing body supports the head teacher in implementing the school uniform policy.  It considers all representations from parents regarding this policy and liaises with the head teacher to ensure that the policy is implemented fairly and with sensitivity.


It is the governors’ responsibility to ensure that the school uniform meets all national regulations concerning equal opportunities and that our school uniform policy is consistent with our policy on equal opportunities.


Governors ensure that the school uniform policy helps children to dress sensibly, in clothing that is hardwearing, safe and practical.



Monitoring and review


When monitoring this policy the governing body will:

  • seek the views of parents, to be sure that they agree with the policy and support it;
  • consider with the head teacher any requests from parents for individual children to have special dispensations;
  • require the head teacher to report to the governors on the way the policy is being implemented.

This policy will be reviewed by the governing body every two years or earlier if considered necessary.

St. Patrick’s Catholic Primary School

Smith Street


Tel: 0191 523 5050


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Bishop Chadwick Catholic Education Trust

Evolve Business Centre
Cygnet Way,
Rainton Bridge South Business Park
Tyne & Wear

Bishop Chadwick Catholic Education Trust