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19 Jul · PHarrisonAdmin · No Comments

Dress Code, Jewellery & Uniform

A reminder to parents before we return in September that the following apply in school:

  • Stencilled or patterned haircuts are not allowed.
  • For health and safety reasons, no jewellery to be worn apart from a wrist watch. Small, plain, stud-type
    earrings may be worn but only with parental consent. If children are getting ears pierced, we recommend that they do so at the beginning of the summer holidays. Please note, earrings must be removed during PE lessons. Forms for the wearing of earrings must be completed by parents; these are available from the office.
  • Sensible black shoes should be worn, with trainers only being worn for PE.
  • Please ensure that your child’s name is written inside all uniform items. It is difficult to reunite items with their owner if we do not know to whom they belong.
  • PE kit comprises of a white t-shirt with school logo, green shorts and black plimsolls. These should be worn for all PE lessons unless directed by the class teacher. We suggest that children bring in their PE kits at the start each half term and take them home to be washed at the end of every half term. If parents wish to wash their child’s kit more often, we would ask that kits are taken home on Fridays and returned the following Monday.

Thank you for your anticipated cooperation.

St. Patrick’s Catholic Primary School

Smith Street


Tel: 0191 523 5050


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Bishop Chadwick Catholic Education Trust

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Cygnet Way,
Rainton Bridge South Business Park
Tyne & Wear

Bishop Chadwick Catholic Education Trust