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22 Sep · PHarrisonAdmin · No Comments

Reading at home

Reading is one of the most important skills that a child will ever learn. Children who read regularly achieve well in other subjects, as well as English, as it helps them improve their knowledge and understanding. At St Patrick’s, children are heard read regularly by staff. However, regular reading at home is equally important.


We would be grateful if parents could hear their child read regularly at home – say three or more times a week – and ask them questions about what they have read, in order to help improve their accuracy, fluency and understanding.


This will help support their learning in school, helping them to make even better progress and improve their prospects for the future. Starting this term, teachers will be choosing a ‘Reading Champion’ from each class every fortnight. The child chosen will be someone who has made a particular effort with their home reading. They will be presented with a trophy at assembly and will be able to take the trophy home for a short period of time before returning it to school. Many thanks for your anticipated support.

St. Patrick’s Catholic Primary School

Smith Street


Tel: 0191 523 5050


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Bishop Chadwick Catholic Education Trust